Start affiliate marketing with no money

Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money

Have you ever wondered how to start affiliate marketing with no money? Well, there is a way for that. Affiliate marketing does not need any startup capital, neither do you need to pay money to anyone to start. You can start affiliate marketing with no money. And we have mentioned how to do that in this article. Find out more about it in the following sections.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is simply a business transaction where you earn commissions by selling products that are not yours. Apart from making sales, you can also learn by driving traffic to the seller’s website. Check here for a full review of how affiliate marketing works.

So, how do you start affiliate marketing with no money? Read on to find out!

How Do I Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money?

Before we go on, you should know that affiliate marketing is more profitable if you have a blog or a website. Those are important if you want to be successful as an affiliate marketer. However, if you’re a newbie working with a budget, there are ways you can start affiliate marketing with no money.

So, if your greatest fear of becoming an affiliate marketer is a lack of start-up capital, you should get rid of that fear. Even without your products and services, you can sell for merchants, drive traffic to their sites and still earn commissions.
The following are a list of things for you to do to start affiliate marketing with no money.

1. Have An Online Presence

We have already established the fact that you do not need to own a website as a newbie affiliate marketer. You can instead make progress through social media platforms.

One thing you should know about being an affiliate marketer is that all your business and adverts would be done online. And for that to happen, you would need to have an online presence.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and online discussion forums like Quora and Reddit are essential to you as an affiliate. YouTube is also an important platform where you can post videos about your affiliate products.
On that note, let’s discuss some of these platforms.

1. YouTube

If you have been thinking of starting a youtube channel, now is a good time as any. Starting a YouTube channel can be very beneficial to you as an affiliate marketer.

YouTube has become very popular, so you can find whatever you what on that platform. As an affiliate marketer starting affiliate marketing with no money, you can easily promote any of your affiliate products when you’re recording a video.

If you have a new YouTube channel, you might not get the kind of engagement you wish for. Posting relevant videos where you talk of your affiliate products will generate traffic for you eventually. And more traffic would mean more sales and more commissions.

2. Facebook

If you are starting affiliate marketing with no money, you can never go wrong with Facebook. Facebook has over 100 million active users from all parts of the world and you should leverage this as an affiliate.

Facebook has several features that can help you run ads and reach more people. Therefore, having an account on Facebook will help you promote your affiliate products effortlessly.

You can add the affiliate links of your products in the content that you post on Facebook. You also need to focus on finding the perfect niche so that you’d be able to talk about your affiliate products with more authority.

3. Instagram

Similar to Facebook, Instagram is another great platform for promoting your affiliate marketing products. The first thing to do on Instagram when you are starting affiliate marketing with no money is to build an audience. To build an audience that will actively engage in all your posts and content, you would need to do the following.

  • Select a niche: you should select a niche based on your passion and interest. While those are important, you should also select your niche based on the commission rates.
  • Use relevant hashtags: using relevant hashtags can increase your visibility as an affiliate marketer. Flow trends and find ways to relate them with your affiliate products.
  • Post engaging content consistently: your content should not be long and boring. People might not be able to read your post till the end. What you have to do here is find a way you can give out a lot of information in the first three to four paragraphs.
  • Promote your affiliate products by embedding your affiliate links in your content. You should do this strategically, embed your links in the first paragraph or first 50 words. You can also place them in subheadings and the concluding part of your article.
Start affiliate marketing with no money

2. Join Affiliate Marketing Programs

When you are starting affiliate marketing with no money, you might want to consider joining affiliate marketing programs. Selling products that aren’t yours is what affiliate marketing is about. So when you join these platforms and make sales for the merchants, you earn commissions for yourself.

You can watch out for the best affiliate marketing programs here. When you join any of these programs, you can find sellers in your preferred niche.

After you have done that, the next step would be to work on the kind of content that you post on your social media handles and website.

3. Create Engaging Content

The quality of your content also makes up one of the processes of how you can start affiliate marketing with no money. Your growth and process as an affiliate marketer are also determined by the kind of content you create.

Your content has to be related to the products you market, and relevant enough to provide answers to questions. You also need to ensure that your content is not stale, mix it up with a trend. Or juicy information that will keep your audience glued to your posts.

You can also give freebies to your audience now and then. People buy with emotions and when you provide them with product guides, free courses and ebooks, you are helping them make up their minds.

4. Get Your Blogs/Sites

While you can start affiliate marketing without a website, you need to get one in the long run. Although blogs and websites are not what you need to get immediately, they are important for when you want to run promotions for your affiliate products.

Whenever you are ready, some platforms can help you get these easily. Shopify can help you create an online store where your customers can visit. And WordPress on the other hand can help you build a website.

You don’t have to worry if you’ve not done any of these before. These platforms both have existing templates that will make your site creation less tasking.

How Else Do I Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money?

In the last section, we identified the basic steps you should follow when you start affiliate marketing with no money. Another thing you can do is to post relevant content consistently. Show up daily, as this will increase the engagement that you get on your posts. More engagement means more sales and more commissions.

Most affiliate marketers started affiliate marketing with no money and over time, they began to rake in the figures. You can too, all you need to do is follow the directions in this article.

Conclusion On How To Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money

Once you’re determined that affiliate marketing is something you want to do, the rest comes easy. Get your social media handles on different platforms ready, build your audience and create engaging content. These are surefire ways of starting affiliate marketing with no money.



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